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Pretty Ugly

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

This brilliant poem was written by Abdullah Shoaib. It can be read in two ways. One way is filled with self criticism then when read bottom up translates to a positive affirmation.

It is very common for many survivors to experience verbal abuse. Those horrible words said to you by those who are expected to love and protect you can hurt deeply. Bear in mind that, verbal abuse is not about who you are but a confession of the abuser's feelings about themselves.

“Verbal abuse is not about who you are but a confession of the abuser's feelings about themselves.”

❣ If you find yourself drowning in the unpleasant words others have used about you, be intentional about speaking to yourself like the worthy and valuable person that you are.

❣The operative word here is 'intentional'. The type of conversation we have within ourselves influences our feelings, behaviour and overall self-perception.

“The type of conversation we have within ourselves influences our feelings, behaviour and overall self-perception.”

You have the power to change the words you speak to yourself.

Choose healthy, positive words.

Much love,


As always, thank you for reading.

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